Nüschelerstrasse 11, 8001 Zürich - 044 415 33 66

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GSFA Peer2Beer: Which side streams of income could fit well around animation

The animation practice creates a big output of images and material, what can be done with it on the sidelines? Over the years I explored different types of side streams of income, and I am glad to share my experience with the so-called passive income, in particular with image licensing, print-on-demand, online teaching, digital products, and referral links.

18:30 door opening
19:00 Which side streams of income could fit well around animation? by Giulia Martinelli
From approx. 19:45 cosy get-together

Vergangene Events:
Do., 31.8.2023 19:00
in der Filmpodium-Lounge; in engl. Sprache;
Eintritt frei, Platzzahl beschränkt